Creating a better World for generations

Helping reduce CO2 by

10 +
Metric Tons


is our secret ingredient


is our top


is our road to

Who we are

SMART CalSolAr Inc, a leading and trusted solar panel manufacturing company based in Calgary, Canada, is dedicated to manufacturing high-quality, innovative, and sustainable solar solutions. With a strong commitment to environmental responsibility, we drive the transition towards clean energy, empowering individuals, businesses, and communities to embrace a brighter, greener future. At SMART CalSolAr, we combine cutting-edge technology, rigorous quality control, and the passion for renewable energy to create solar panels that are efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly. We believe that solar energy is the key to a sustainable future, and we are dedicated to making it accessible and affordable for everyone.

SMART Portfolio

Cutting-Edge Production Facility

Our German-engineered automated manufacturing plant and top-tier in-house testing capabilities empower our technological leadership. This synergy enhances production efficiency, quality control, and fosters innovation, providing a competitive edge.

Uncompromising Quality Commitment

From raw materials to production, testing, delivery and warranty services, our commitment to quality sets new industry standards. This distinct edge in superior quality control propels us significantly beyond competitors.

Pioneering Solar Innovation

Marrying German patented tech and our innovation (patent pending), our panels shine with breakthroughs – auto snow removal, zero PID, extended life, and resilience against dust and temperature shifts. Innovation fuels us, perpetually.

Earning Enduring Trust

Rooted in industry commitment, quality, and care, we diligently cultivate unwavering trust among customers, investors, partners, employees, and all stakeholders alike.

Transparency, Integrity, and Ethics

Transparency, Integrity, and Ethics are the cornerstones of our operations, ensuring open communication and honest practices. We uphold these values to foster trust, accountability, and a culture of principled excellence.

Business Success

Anchored in vast solar tech expertise, a pragmatic business blueprint, unmatched dedication, strategic foresight, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence through innovation and customer-centricity, these keys underpin our success.

Empowering Communities

Operating via our nonprofit arm, the SMART CalSolAr Foundation, we vigorously engage with local communities, including Indigenous groups and youth, driving initiatives that amplify renewable energy education, environmental awareness, job prospects, and sustainable growth. Our dedication transcends clean energy, nurturing a lasting positive social influence.

Inclusion and Diversity

Embracing a rich spectrum of backgrounds, perspectives, and talents, our solar business thrives as an inclusive environment that sparks innovation and enhances problem-solving. By fostering a culture of respect and equal opportunity, we harness the power of diversity to drive our success forward.

We need a solar solution for a better future.

At SMART CalSolAr, we are dedicated to providing solar solutions that pave the way towards a brighter and sustainable future. As advocates of clean energy, we believe in harnessing the power of the sun to create a positive impact on the environment and society as a whole. With our cutting-edge solar panel technology, we aim to empower homes and businesses with efficient, renewable energy options.

Our Commitment:
We understand the urgency of addressing environmental challenges and transitioning towards greener alternatives. As part of our commitment to a better future, we offer a range of solar panel solutions tailored to meet the unique energy needs of residential and commercial customers.

Get in touch

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At SMART CalSolAr, we are passionate about the work we do and would love to hear from you!


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